technology committee

英 [tekˈnɒlədʒi kəˈmɪti] 美 [tekˈnɑːlədʒi kəˈmɪti]

网络  技术委员会; 科技委员会; 市议会科技委员会主席



  1. Taking part in National Blasting& Peening Standardization Technology Committee, assuming blast cleaning, shot peening for shipyards, steel structure plant, foundry plant, steel pipe plant and so on.
  2. The practice of buying products such as electronics or garments and binning them soon after is today criticised in a report on waste reduction by the Lords science and Technology Committee.
  3. The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee has criticised the food industry for being secretive about its use of nanotechnology.
  4. Combined with the project of technology committee of Guangdong province, it put forward that the grouped processing programming method based on feature templates of plane and curved face.
  5. The law will be welcomed by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, the body that regulates fertility treatment, and the Commons science and technology committee.
  6. The State Science and Technology Committee set the national Research and Popularization Center for Packed Tower and Internals Technology in Tianjin University.
  7. SC3 Technology Committee, responsible for quality and technology standards.
  8. National Personal Protection Equipment Technology Committee
  9. 28~ ( th) Meeting of National Food Additive Standardization& Technology Committee held in Sanya
  10. Report of 2006 Seminar on International Standardization ISO/ TC96 Intermediate Class Technology Committee
  11. This project is part of research work on a paramount project to tackle in Tianjin Science& Technology Committee High Performance High Dynamic CMOS Image Sensor Design. What I should do is to design the interface circuit block of the sensor.
  12. In order to make Shanghai to the center of international fashion design and information, bring up senior talent in fashion design and promote international cooperation, Shanghai Science and Technology Committee establishes and passes this project-fashion design and processing public service platform.
  13. This dissertation is based on one project of Science and Technology Committee in Chongqing named Emergency Management and Safety System of Urban Traffic.
  14. Review and prospect of China surfactant and detergent standardization Secretariat of China Surfactant and Detergent Standardization Technology Committee
  15. The paper introduces the new air automation system of the optical institute of the astronavigation science and technology committee, and achieves temperature and humidity control and supervision software of the new air system.
  16. In this thesis the control system of the pail packing line, one of the key projects of Tianjin Science and Technology Committee, which can coil and pack the products rapidly and stably, is designed and the main equipment selection analyzed.
  17. The work was supported by Shanghai Science and Technology Committee ( item number 002212003).
  18. The work for China surfactant and detergent standardization technology committee in 2006 is summarized and introduced briefly. The work plan and the object for the committee in 2007 are related here.
  19. The research project has been checked and accepted by the National Science and Technology Committee and paid high tribute by the experts.
  20. The paper also introduces how the journal of transportation systems engineering and information technology`` was built under the support of the China science and technology committee and China systems engineering academy.
  21. The Development and Popularization of Intelligent Commercial Information Management System is supported by Chongqing Science and Technology Committee.
  22. This project fill up the vacancy of the north of china in the rubber sulfuration control system, its attain the native advance level in the automation control area, and it pass the appraise Of province science and technology committee.
  23. To grasp the future position of science and technology, Science and Technology Committee of Shanghai developed the technological forecasts.
  24. Now, this MIS system has run normally in Shenyang Metrology Branch, passed the appraisal by the Technology Committee of the ShenYang Railroad Bureau, and received the good society and economy benefit.
  25. Summary and the program of China Surfactant and Detergent Standardization Technology Committee in 2006
  26. New Design of Mn Sulphate Plant National Mn Technology Committee
  27. Until now, this chip has completed the FPGA validate, and has been checked and accepted by Tianjin science and technology committee.